Maven build without test cases

mvn clean install -DskipTests


1. clone Telco FORK old code to build server
2. checkout 1.6.1-release branch(if not in this branch)
3. change the class file

git status
git add .
git commit -m "HUBDEV-1779 CREDIT API LOGS"

git push origin 1.6.1-release [PUSH TO FORK REPO-BRANCH]

5. goto git hub fork
6. create pull request & merge to wso2telco repo

7. goto buildserver again
8. mkdir & clone  wso2telco oldcode repo

9. goto folder
10. git tag v1.6.1_099
11. git push origin v1.6.1_099
12. now checkout to tag (refer google if wanted)
git checkout tags/v1.6.1_099
13. verify u checkout the tag by type this  command 
git describe --tags
14. build relevant project by
mvn clean install AxiataMediator
15. Package & share the jar file with Readme 16. upload with this name [before QA]
17. after QA verified rename it to