How to install Odoo on Ubuntu

Step 1 – Installation of Ubuntu

Ubuntu can be installed in any server through the setup files. Latest Ubuntu version can be installed from Please take care to check your system whether you have to download 32 or 64 bit OS. If you are going to use Ubuntu as default OS, then you can continue installation after the file downloads.
After the Ubuntu OS is installed, run the update manager to download and install all the latest updates. This step will be deemed finished only when you have installed Ubuntu and updated it as well. If you’re finished, move to the next step.
Important: While installation, you will be asked to enter name, username and a password. Choose the following for simplicity. This manual is written with the same credentials
Username – openerp
Password -openerp
Step 2 – Installation of Python Packages and Postgresql Database
This step installs all the python packages and Postgresql database required to run OpenERP. Open the terminal window found in applications. You will see the following command prompt:
At this command prompt copy and paste the command shown below and press enter.
sudo apt-get install python-dateutil python-docutils python-feedparser python-gdata python-jinja2 python-ldap python-libxslt1 python-lxml python-mako python-mock python-openid python-psycopg2 python-psutil python-pybabel python-pychart python-pydot python-pyparsing python-reportlab python-simplejson python-tz python-unittest2 python-vatnumber python-vobject python-webdav python-werkzeug python-xlwt python-yaml python-zsi postgresql
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install gdata --upgrade
This command will download, unpack and install the required python libraries and postgresql database in the system. It will take some time to complete and at the completion you will again the see the command prompt as shown above.
Note: In between the installation, you make be asked the password which is “openerp” as given in the 1st step and you may also be asked if you want to continue. You will have to press “y” to continue.
This step will be deemed finished when all the libraries and database are installed successfully and you are at command prompt again.

Step 3 – Setup a PostgreSQL user for OpenERP

The default superuser for PostgreSQL is called postgres. You may need to login as this user first.
openerp@ubuntu:/$ sudo su postgres
password: XXXXXXXXXX
Now create PostgreSQL user openerp using the following command:
postgres@ubuntu:/home/openerp$ createuser openerp 
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
This step will be deemed finished when user “openerp” has been created and you are at command prompt again.
Step 4 – OpenERP Installation
Download the latest version of OpenERP from Extract the downloaded openerp setup and put the extracted folder in Home (openerp in this case).
Open the terminal window found in applications. Start the installation by typing following commands -
openerp@ubuntu:~$ cd openerp-7.0
openerp@ubuntu:~/openerp-7.0$ sudo python install
This step installs the OpenERP in your system including server and the client. It will take some time to complete and at the completion you will again the see the command prompt again.
This step will be deemed finished when user “openerp” has been created and you are at command prompt again.

Step 5 – Starting OpenERP Server with autoscript

Open the startup services of Ubuntu and add a new service. Enter the following information
Name – OpenERP
Command – /home/openerp/openerp/openerp-7.0/openerp-server
Save the same and close the startup services and then restart the computer.
This step will be deemed finished when the system has been restarted.

Step 7 – Using OpenERP

Open the browser and type the following address http://localhost:8069/